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What are the effects of condensation pressure and temperature changes on industrial water chiller system?

Industry News 6550

  What are the effects of condensation pressure and temperature changes on industrial water chiller system?

  (1) The impact of exhaust temperature In summer, the exhaust temperature of industrial chiller compressors is relatively high and cannot be touched by hand. According to the standard, the exhaust temperature of the R22 refrigeration system should not exceed 150OC, which is an abnormal condition. The reason for the excessively high exhaust temperature is due to the excessively high suction temperature of the compressor or the excessively high condensation temperature, which must be noted.

  If the exhaust temperature is too low and the exhaust pipe is not too hot to touch, it indicates that the suction temperature is particularly low, and the compressor may operate with a wet stroke or with a relatively low amount of working fluid in the system. The wet stroke of the compressor can easily damage the valve structure; Operating with very little refrigerant can affect the heat dissipation of the motor winding and accelerate the aging of insulation materials.

  (2) The impact of casing temperature changes on compressors and refrigeration systems The temperature field on the outer surface of a fully enclosed reciprocating piston compressor casing can be divided into two parts:

  a. The upper casing is affected by the inhalation of steam, and the temperature is relatively low, in a slightly hot or cool range, estimated to be around 30OC. There is a possibility of condensation on the surface of the casing around the suction pipe.

  B. The heating capacity of the motor inside the lower casing and the frictional heat carried out by the refrigerant oil are mainly carried out of the casing by steam.

  a. The impact and cause of high casing temperature: The surface temperature of the casing exceeds the normal range, mainly due to the high suction temperature of the refrigeration system (above 15OC). Excessive hot steam enters the compressor and absorbs the heat inside the casing, causing the temperature of the steam to rise, thereby increasing the temperature of the casing.

  The temperature of superheated steam rises very high, and the temperature of the casing also rises very high, which is not conducive to the cooling of the oil. This will affect the lubrication of moving parts, accelerate wear, and in severe cases, cause the bearing to lock (bite). Additionally, it can cause an increase in exhaust temperature.

  b. The impact and cause of low casing temperature: The surface temperature of the casing is below the normal range, and the reason is that the suction temperature is too low (below 15OC). It is beneficial for the cooling of refrigeration oil and motor windings, but the cooling capacity has decreased.

  When the suction temperature is particularly low, it can cause condensation on most of the casing, posing a risk of liquid shock. This is a fatal blow to the compressor and special attention should be paid. At the same time, a large amount of refrigerant is dissolved in the refrigeration oil, which is not conducive to the lubrication of moving parts.

  (3) Temperature condition of the condenser

  a. The normal temperature condition of the condenser is that the first half of the heat dissipation tube is very hot, and its temperature has a slow and gradual decreasing trend. The thermal sensitivity of the rear half of the heat dissipation pipe is significantly reduced compared to the front half, as the refrigerant in the rear half of the pipe has gradually liquefied and reached the condensation temperature and subcooling temperature.

  When an abnormal situation occurs, one is that the first half is not too hot, and the second half is close to room temperature (ambient temperature), which is due to the compressor absorbing wet steam refrigerant or insufficient refrigeration dosage. Another reason is that the entire condenser tube is very hot is due to excessive refrigerant or low ventilation, or high ambient temperature.

  b. Under normal circumstances, the shell of a water-cooled condenser is relatively hot in the upper half and warm in the lower half. Under abnormal conditions, the entire shell is not too hot, due to insufficient cooling dosage. Another situation is that the entire shell is very hot, due to insufficient cooling water or poor heat dissipation effect (scaling inside the water pipe).

  Under normal circumstances, the outer surface of the sleeve condenser is very hot, due to the low cooling water volume or poor heat dissipation effect; The other reason is that the outer surface of the entire casing is not too hot, which is due to insufficient cooling dosage.

  (4) The temperature condition of the reservoir is normal, and the suction tube feels very cold and dewy when touched by hand. The reason is that the condenser has poor heat dissipation, high condensation temperature, or excessive cooling dosage.

  (5) Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the liquid tube is warm. Under abnormal circumstances, the liquid pipe is relatively hot. The reason is that the condenser has poor heat dissipation, high condensation temperature, or excessive refrigerant flow.

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