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LNEYA&Siemens strategic cooperation signing ceremony ended successfully

On May 25, 2021, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between LNEYA Constant Temperature Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. and Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. was held in Wuxi, China.

▲LNEYA CEO-Jack, Siemens guest representatives and leaders visited the factory

▲LNEYA CEO-Jack took a group photo with Siemens guest representatives and leaders

At the signing ceremony, leaders such as Que Yaoyao, director of Wuxi Hi-tech Innovation Promotion Center, Director of Wuxi Municipal Committee Office of Zhi Gong Party, Li Junbo, Deputy Secretary of Party Working Committee of Hongshan Street, and Wang Xian, Chief of Commercial Section of Hongshan Street, attended the signing ceremony. , Witnessed this exciting moment for LNEYA & Siemens.

LNEYA General Manager Yan Juezhi-Jack gave a speech

Speech by Fang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hongshan Sub-district

Dr. Yao Jun, Vice President and General Manager of Process Automation Division of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. Digital Industry Group, delivered a speech

Qiu Chuqun, Vice President of Global Sales of Siemens Industrial Software, delivered a speech

The strategic cooperation signing ceremony of LNEYA&Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. came to a successful conclusion. LNEYA&Siemens joined forces to continuously deepen the cooperation model and achieve win-win development. It is bound to embark on a new journey and create new brilliance!

▲Holographic launching ceremony, cooperative development, win-win future

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