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What is the refrigeration capacity of a small water chiller related to?

Industry News 4140

  What is the refrigeration capacity of a small water chiller related to?

  The cooling capacity of small chillers is mainly related to the following factors:

  1. Equipment cooling power: The cooling capacity of a small chiller is directly related to its cooling power. The higher the cooling power, the corresponding increase in cooling capacity.

  2. Temperature difference of cooling medium: Small chillers achieve cooling through the temperature difference between the cooling medium and the object being cooled. The larger the temperature difference, the greater the cooling capacity.

  3. Flow rate of cooling medium: Small chillers control the cooling effect by adjusting the flow rate of the cooling medium. The larger the flow rate, the corresponding increase in cooling capacity.

  4. Properties of cooling media: Different cooling media have different thermal conductivity, which affects the cooling effect. Generally speaking, cooling media with good thermal conductivity can provide greater cooling capacity.

  5. Working status of equipment: The cooling capacity of a small chiller is also related to its working status. For example, if the equipment is in an efficient working state, the cooling capacity will be greater.

  In summary, the refrigeration capacity of small chillers is mainly related to factors such as refrigeration power, temperature difference of cooling medium, flow rate, properties, and equipment working state.

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